Angelus ad Virginem |
![]() ![]() | 14th century French carol |
Angelus ad virginem subintras in conclave, Virginus formidinem demulcens, inquit, Ave! Ave, regina virginum; Coeli terraeque Dominum Concipies et paries intacta salutem hominum Tu porta coeli facta, medela criminum. |
The angel came to the Virgin, entered her chamber and, dispelling her fear, said: Hail, Queen of virgins; thou shalt conceive the Lord of heaven and earth and, untouched, shalt bring forth salvation for mankind, thou, gate of heaven, healer of sinners. | |
Quomodo conciperem quae virum non cognovi? Qualiter infringerum quod firma mente vovi? Spiritus Sancti gratia, Perficiet haec omnia; Ne timeas, sed gaudeas, secura quod castimonia Menebit in te pura Dei potentia. |
How shall I conceive, as I know
not a man? How shall I break
the strong bonds of my vow? The grace of the Holy Spirit shall accomplish it. Fear not, but rejoice, for by the power of God thy chastity and purity shall endure. |
Ad haec virgo nobilis respondens inquit ei: Ancilla sum humilis omnipotentis Dei. Tibi coelesti nuntio, Tanti secreti conscio, Consentiens, et cupiens videre factum quod audio; Parata sum parere, Dei consilio. |
The noble Virgin answered the angel, saying: I am Almighty God's humble handmaiden; to thee, heavenly messenger, bringer of great and secret tidings, I give my consent and, longing to see that of which thou tellest, am prepared to follow God's will. | |
Eia mater Domini, quae pacem redidisti Angelis et homini, cum Christum genuisti; Tuum exora filium Ut se nobis propitium Exhibeat, et deleat peccata: Praestans auxilium Vita frui beata post hoc exilium. |
Hail, thou Mother of our Lord, who has restored peace to the angels and to mankind by giving birth to Christ: entreat thy Son to show us favour and forgive our sins, and to vouchsafe that we come into life abundant upon departing this vale of exile. | |
The Choir of the Church of the Advent Edith Ho, Director | Arranged by Sir David Willcocks CBE, MC (1919-) |